Transfer Students

Families interested in transferring a student from another high school are encouraged to complete and submit the 2016-17 transfer application found below. Students enrolling in Urban Prep must be Chicago residents and must remain so throughout their enrollment.  

For more information, please contact Mr. Krishaun Branch, Fellow/Office of Admissions via email or by telephone at (312)276-0259, Ext 1131.     



Information Sessions

Interested in learning more about Urban Prep and the enrollment process? 

Information Sessions are designed to provide prospective students and their families with details about Urban Prep's college-preparatory curriculum, student programs and activities, and admissions process.

Enroll here

Appearance Request

To request an appearance, please provide the following information and click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page. If you have questions, please email Jessie Mack. While receipt of your request will be acknowledged within 48 hours, please allow up to two weeks for a decision on the request to be made. Thank you.

form on: http://www.urbanprep.org/appearance-request

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